‘Japanese Kampo medicine today – Can it help to solve our healthcare challenges?’ Symposium
June 12 @ 08:00 - 14:00

‘Japanese Kampo Medicine Today – Can It Help to Solve Our Healthcare Challenges?’
Speaker: Silke Cameron
Silke Cameron, PD Dr. Med., M.A. University Education in Medicine RWTH Aachen 1990-1992 and LMU Munich 1992-1997. M.A. in German Literature, History of Art and Psychiatry 1998. Ph.D. in Medicine 1999. Postdoctorate 2000-2002: Kitastato Institute for Oriental Medicine und Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. Grant of the Alexander von Humboldt-Society and the JSPS. Medical Doctor and Research Associate 2002-2010, Head Doctor since 2010, University Göttingen.
Board Specialist in Internal Medicine 2008 and Gastroenterology 2010. Habilitation 2015.
Since 06/2017 Director of the Department of Gastroenterology and General Internal Medicine Clinic Hann. Münden, and Senior Scientist (focus KampoMedicine) Department of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Oncology, University Medicine Göttingen.