In Memoriam – Professor Peter Houghton (London, UK)

2024-07-08T10:56:20+00:00July 8th, 2024|Categories: People News|

It was with great regret that we learnt of the recent, untimely death of Peter Houghton, latterly an Emeritus Professor in the Division of Pharmaceutical Science at King’s College London. Peter was extremely well known both in the UK and world-wide as an expert in pharmacognosy and, in particular, ethnopharmacology. While Peter was himself very well-travelled, frequently visiting remote parts of the world in pursuit of his research, there were countless PhD students and other more senior researchers who travelled to the UK to benefit from his expertise and undertake research with him. Peter was well known for the supportive, cheerful and enthusiastic manner in which he interacted with everyone from students to the most senior colleagues. Indeed, by means of his evident but unassuming scholarship – mixed with a rye wit and [...]