
The APS have a number of awards recognising
in Pharmaceutical Science

Fellow of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences

About the Award

A Fellowship is the highest and most prestigious honour awarded by the APS to members each year in recognition of their contribution to the Academy and their accomplishment and impact in any sector of the Pharmaceutical Sciences. Recipients of the APS Fellowship(s) are recognised at the PharmSci Conference.


Definition of a Fellow

A Fellow is an active member of the APS who has provided service to the scientific community, made a significant and distinct contribution to the APS and has had clear impact in pharmaceutical science.

Upon award of a Fellowship, a Fellow will

  • receive recognition from their peers for their excellent achievements in the profession and the field of pharmaceutical science.
  • be able to use the post-nominal letters, FAPS.
  • have opportunities to network with other Fellows, enabling the formation of new collaborations and partnerships.

Expectation of APS Fellows

Following award of a fellowship, the honoured individual is expected to continue to be part of the diverse community of Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (APS) fellows who actively contribute to and support the APS, the wider pharmaceutical science community and emerging pharmaceutical scientists.

In addition, a Fellow is expected to:

  • advocate on behalf of the APS and the pharmaceutical science community and by doing so strengthen the voice of the academy and support the future of pharmaceutical science.
  • be inspirational by acting as a role model, and where appropriate a mentor, for the pharmaceutical science community, and in particular the next generation of pharmaceutical scientists, enabling them to develop the experience and expertise they need to become future leaders.


A Fellowship may be awarded following either self-nomination or nomination by a member of the APS. To be eligible for consideration as a Fellow you or your nominator must provide:

  • a one-page statement demonstrating your membership of and contribution to the Academy of Pharmaceutical Scientists and the wider pharmaceutical sciences community, as well as your achievements in pharmaceutical science and their impact over a sustained period (see exemplars).
  • your CV (see specific guidance for CV format below) making sure to include evidence that underpins the information in your one-page document detailing your service to the profession and the achievements you wish to be considered. In line with our commitment to fairness and equality, please make every attempt to remove as much personal, identifiable data as possible from your CV as possible so as to anonymise your application.
  • details of two referees who can assess your contributions/achievements and their impact – ideally at least one of whom is an existing APS Fellow.

There is not a minimum length of APS membership required before a Fellowship can be awarded.  However, it is anticipated that a Fellowship would normally only be awarded to a current member who has made a distinct contribution to APS. If successful in being awarded a Fellowship, you will only retain the award whilst you remain a member of the APS.

Further Details


A range of exemplars is provided to account for the diversity of the pharmaceutical sciences community. This list is far from inclusive. Although an applicant is likely to be able to demonstrate achievement in more than one of the following areas, no applicant is expected to demonstrate accomplishment in all areas.

Service to the Academy and the Wider Pharmaceutical Science Community

Examples include the effective and sustained:

  • contribution to the training, development or mentoring of pharmaceutical scientists
  • promotion of pharmaceutical science career paths, academic leadership in pharmaceutical science programmes, conference and events leadership
  • contribution to diversity and inclusion and/or widening participation in pharmaceutical science
  • contribution to the public understanding of pharmaceutical science
  • impact through pharmaceutical sciences-based outreach and engagement activities or high-profile promotion of the importance of pharmaceutical science
  • contribution to the enhancement of pharmaceutical sciences, for example supporting the work of the APS.

Achievement in the Pharmaceutical Sciences

Examples include:

  • a substantial contribution to pharmaceutical science education/training, for example by the development of innovative new courses or teaching methods
  • original research, significantly contributing to the advancement of pharmaceutical science or the application of pharmaceutical sciences to significantly advance knowledge in other areas
  • a significant contribution to innovation in pharmaceutical science for example by the publication of patents, with demonstration of their impact
  • creation of a successful business, charity or enterprise, in a pharmaceutical area
  • a significant contribution to the advancement in the quality, safety, efficacy of medicines in any sector of the pharmaceutical sciences
  • significant leadership in the development of an innovative medicine or a diagnostic
  • the development of innovative methods, processes and paths in any of the sectors of pharmaceutical science

Guidance on the format of CV’s

The CV is intended to provide evidence in support of the information on the one-page document.

The CV should be no longer than 5 pages (font size 11 is the minimum font that is acceptable and page margins should be at least 2 cm in all directions). Applications exceeding this page limit will not be considered. In line with our commitment to fairness and equality, please make every attempt to remove as much personal, identifiable data as possible from your CV as possible so as to anonymise your application.

A narrative CV has been selected as the best format and a suggested outline can be found below:

  1. Personal details: Use this section to provide personal details such as your education, key qualifications, relevant positions, funding obtained, and awards received.
  2. How have you contributed to the generation and communication of new ideas, hypotheses, tools or knowledge, to innovation in drug development, medicine assessment or manufacturing approaches? This section should capture your contributions to and skills acquired from previous research, innovation or technical projects. It can include a small selection of key outputs such as data sets, software, conference presentations and innovation, medicinal products, research and policy publications.
  3. How have you contributed to research teams and the development of others? Examples might include: project management, supervision, mentoring or line management contributions to the success of a team or advancement of colleagues, involvement in collaborations/networks within your organisation and/or beyond or where you exerted strategic leadership in shaping the direction of a team, organisation, company or institution.
  4. How have you contributed to the wider research and innovation community? Examples might include: commitments including editing, reviewing, refereeing, boards and panels, appointments to positions of responsibility such as committee membership and corporate roles within your department, institution or organisation. Recognition by invitation within your sector, organisation of workshops, conferences or other events that have benefited your research and innovation community and contributions to improving research and innovation culture.
  5. How have you exploited your research or your skills and capabilities as a pharmaceutical scientist? Examples might include: knowledge exchange, engagement with industry, private/public sectors, clients, policy makers, researchers in different fields/disciplines or the broader public and other impacts across research and innovation.
  6. Additional information: This optional section provides an opportunity to include any other relevant additional information relating to your proposal such as career breaks, secondments, volunteering, part-time work and other significant experience (including time spent in different sectors.