
The APS have a number of awards recognising
in Pharmaceutical Science

APS Award Lecture

About the Award

The APS Award Lecture invites pharmaceutical scientists who are a member of the APS to nominate researchers from across the globe in academia, industry, public service or other scientific establishments.

The individual nominated should have demonstrated, scientific contribution where work should be outstanding and ambassadorial in their area with an international reputation and have a broad scientific awareness.

The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences present the Innovative Science Award sponsored by the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the PharmSci Conference Dinner.


  • Scientific contribution: Work should be outstanding and ambassadorial in their area with an international reputation
  • Broad scientific awareness and proposed title of your lecture


Nominations should consist of a brief CV and a one page summary of contribution in the following fields:

  • Scientific contribution: Work should be outstanding and ambassadorial in their area with an international reputation
  • Broad scientific awareness and proposed title of your lecture

Nominations must be made by a member of the Academy.

Application Criteria

Applicants are requested to submit their CV and a synopsis of their research of not more than 500 words, focussing on its importance to the pharmaceutical industry and proposed title of your lecture. The theme of the conference is “Pharmaceutical science driving the next generation of medicines” and we would encourage you to reflect on the actual or potential benefit of your work to patients in your submission.

Entries should be submitted via email to [email protected] including ‘APS Award Lecture Application’ in the subject field. Your email application must include your full name and postal address, a contact telephone number, your email, and your institution or organisation’s name.

Selection Process

The recipient of the award will be appointed by a Selection Committee comprising of:

  • Representatives of the Academy Board
  • Representatives of the APS PharmSci 2025 Organising Committee

Your email application must include your full name and postal address, a contact telephone number, your email, and your institution or organisation’s name. The theme of the conference is “Pharmaceutical science driving the next generation of medicines” and we would encourage you to reflect on the actual or potential benefit of your work to patients in your submission.


The recipient will receive:

  • A Commemorative Award
  • An invitation to present the APS Award Lecture on their work at APS PharmSci 2025 during a plenary session
  • To be recognized as an award recipient on the APS website
  • Complimentary registration to APS PharmSci 2025
  • Complimentary ticket to APS PharmSci 2025 Conference Dinner
  • Complimentary APS Membership for one year

Previous Recipients

Professor Yvonne Perrie – Head of Institute and Professor in Drug Delivery, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde


Professor David S. Jones – FREng, FMedSci, MRIA, FIAE, FIMMM, FRSS, FRSC, CEng, CChem, CStat, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education and Students), Queen’s University Belfast

Dr Mark McAllister – Global Head of Biopharmaceutics, Drug Product Design, Pfizer

Hans Lennernäs – Uppsala University

Professor Clive Roberts – University of Nottingham

Submit Your Application