Dr Bhaven Patel
APS Board Member

Reader in Organic Chemistry, London Metropolitan University

Bhaven Patel is Reader in Organic Chemistry at London Metropolitan University. He achieved his MSci in Chemistry from King’s College London and his PhD in Organic Chemistry from the University of Birmingham. He then gained a prestigious EPSRC PhD Plus Fellowship working at the University of Birmingham and Queensland University of Technology.

He has also worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Nottingham and UCL School of Pharmacy. He currently co-chairs the Applied Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology research theme and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. His research interests are diverse, encompassing reaction discovery, the development of innovative synthetic methods, and the application of these methods in natural product synthesis and bioactive molecules. His expertise extends to medicinal chemistry, the use of digital worksheets to enhance student learning and engagement, and the application of 3D printing in science.

Recently, his research has focused on the development of new chemosensors.