We’ve developed and delivered the following successful 2-day residential courses since 2014:
- November 2015 – Regulatory Essentials with focus on the development and registration of oral dosage forms
- May 2016 – Excipients – selection, control, application and suitability (in collaboration with the Material Science Focus Group)
- March 2018 – Current regulatory trends & updates in parenteral drug product development (in collaboration with the Parenterals Focus Group)
- May 2018 – Regulatory Essentials II: The development and registration of oral dosage forms
The Regulatory Focus Group was also instrumental in the development of the APS programme (through proposals made by a Regulatory Focus Group Steering Committee member) for the following 1-day symposium:
- March 2018 – Accelerating paediatric formulation development (presentation output from SPaeDD-UK Project)
The Regulatory Focus Group has also developed and run the following science sessions at APS PharmSci conferences:
- 2014: Process validation and continuous process verification – expectations and experiences
- 2015: Supporting innovation to improve patient access to safe and effective medicines
- 2015: Excipients – their selection, control and suitability (in collaboration with the Material Science Focus Group)
- 2016: Future directions in global regulatory harmonisation
- 2023: Steering Innovative products through the regulatory landscape Hot Scientific Topics