APS Announces New Focus Group Chair for Emerging Technologies Focus Group
9th January 2024
After three years chairing the Emerging Technologies Focus Group, Dimitrios Lamprou has decided to stand down. The APS are pleased to announce that Dr Atheer Awad will now be the Emerging Technologies Focus Group Lead.

Dimitrios Lamprou
“From, the beginning of my career, and before that as a student, I always had a strong interested in Emerging technologies (ETs). In early 2021, I proposed to APS a new FG that established in March 2021 with the main aim to bring together scientists interested in the field of ETs (e.g., 3D Printing & Bioprinting, Microfluidics & Lab-on-a-chip, BioMEMS, and sustainability) and work towards the development of drug delivery systems (DDSs) and medical devices that were not possible to produce in the past. These technologies are also environmentally friendly, which is one of the topics covered in the FG. The FG brought together researchers that are working in ETs or are interested to learn more of how can incorporate ETs in their research for first time. In the last 3-years, the FG has achieved many fantastic accomplishments, particularly with organising the conference sessions at APS annual meeting and Making Pharmaceuticals UK. The most exciting activity is the virtual seminars, since we provide the opportunity to PhD students, many times will be their first talk outside their school, to present their work to national and international audience. I would like to thank the FG committee for all their hard work, it was a pleasure working with all of them and APS. I’m confident that my successor will do an excellent job.”

Atheer Awad
“I am honoured and excited to lead the Emerging Technologies Focus Group going forward, succeeding Dimitrios. Building upon the strong groundwork he has laid is a privilege I eagerly embrace. I am looking forward to steering the group through innovative pathways, exploring new possibilities, and cultivating a collaborative environment where emerging technologies can thrive. Embracing state-of-the-art fields such as three-dimensional (3D) printing & bioprinting, microfluidics & lab-on-a-chip, biomedical microelectromechanical systems (BioMEMS), and exploring sustainability within technology is a thrilling opportunity. Leveraging these emerging technologies to drive impactful changes within our group is a confirmed objective.
To achieve this, I am eager to initiate various activities such as organising engaging webinars, curating conference sessions, and fostering collaborative efforts in authoring publications. These endeavours aim to promote insightful discussions, share knowledge, and collectively contribute to the advancement of these groundbreaking technologies. Together, let us explore new frontiers and work towards a more sustainable and technologically advanced future in pharmacy.”
The APS would like to thank Dimitrios for all his work with the Emerging Technologies Focus Group and congratulate Atheer on her appointment as Focus Group Chair. If you would like to read more about the Focus Group or become a member, please do so here.