Webinar 28 June 2024
June 28, 2024 @ 13:30 - 15:00
We are thrilled that the following speakers will be presenting their talks as follows:
Professor Charles Henry, Colorado State University and CEO, Burst Diagnostics – “Delivering Lab-Quality ELISA Results Anywhere with Capillary-Flow Immunoassays”
Professor Andrew J deMello, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich – “Finding Needles in Haystacks: Microfluidics for Blood-Based Diagnostics”
Dr Derrick Butler, Postdoctoral Fellow, Biophysical and Biomedical Measurement Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA – “Multifunctional microfabricated electrodes on porous membranes for organ-on-chip applications”
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Professor Charles Henry
Professor at Colorado State University and CEO, Burst Diagnostics
Charles S. Henry received his PhD from the University of Arkansas followed by postdoctoral studies at the University of Kansas. He started his academic career at Mississippi State University before moving to Colorado State University in 2002, where he is currently Professor of Chemistry, Chemical & Biological Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. His research interests lie broadly in the areas of microfluidics and electrochemistry with application to questions in bioanalytical and environmental chemistry. He has also been involved in multiple start ups and is currently CEO and Co-Founder of Burst Diagnostics.

Professor Andrew J deMello
Professor of Biochemical Engineering
Andrew deMello is currently Professor of Biochemical Engineering in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH Zurich. Prior to this he was Professor of Chemical Nanosciences and Head of the Nanostructured Materials and Devices Section in the Chemistry Department at Imperial College London. His research interests cover a broad range of activities in the general area of microfluidics and nanoscale science. Andrew has given over 400 invited lectures at conferences and universities in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia (including 100 plenary or keynote lectures), and published 400 papers in refereed journals, and co-authored two books. He is currently an Associate Editor for ACS Sensors and sits on the Editorial Boards of Advanced Materials Technologies and Chem. Science originating from the deMello group has been recognized through multiple awards, including the 2009 Clifford Paterson Medal (Royal Society) the 2012 Pioneers of Miniaturization Lectureship (Royal Society of Chemistry), the 2020 Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Award (American Chemical Society) and a 2021 Mendel Lectureship (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic).

Dr Derrick Butler
Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr Derrick Butler is currently a National Research Council/NIST Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. He completed his M.S.E. in materials science and engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, USA in 2017 and his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Penn State University, USA in 2022, where his research explored two-dimensional materials and their application in electrochemical and electronic point-of-care biosensors. His current research is focused on the development of novel bioelectronics to enable new measurement capabilities in heart-on-a-chip systems.