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VIRTUAL MEETING – 20th January 2022

sorry this event is now complete but you can find the webinars/ presentations in the members hub


The APS Emerging Technologies Focus Group, is pleased to announce their webinar which will offer plenty of opportunities for discussions. This meeting will bring together expert speakers from academia and industry and will include a talk from a junior researcher and a talk from a senior researcher from industry or academia.

Who should attend

This meeting is ideally suited for PhD Candidates, Academics, Industrialists, Specialist Technology Providers, and Regulatory Personnel. Overall, the content of this special series has been carefully crafted to complement the existing APS portfolio and the Emerging Technologies Focus Group hot topics.

Speakers and Chairs

Prof Ola Engkvist, Head Molecular AI at AstraZeneca and Professor at Chalmers University of Technology

Ms Lucy Godson, PhD Student at University of Leeds


20th January 2022 – 13.00-14.00 UK Time/14.00-15.00 CET

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

We will be running further webinars which will include the following:

. 3D Bioprinting applications in drug discovery & development.

. Microfluidics for drug discovery and development.

. BioMEMS devices as biosensors, drug delivery systems and injectable devices.

. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

. In silico modelling.

. Environmental, social, economic, and legal concerns on the use of Emerging Technologies.

Lucy Godson
 joined the CDT for Artificial Intelligence for Medical Diagnosis and Care, as a PhD student in October 2019. She completed a BSc. in Biochemistry with industrial experience at the University of Manchester (2018). During her undergraduate degree, she spent a year working on a clinical research project in a cancer immunology lab at the Mayo Clinic, Florida. Following this she carried out a final year project in computational biology, using machine learning to predict protein-protein interactions and protein functions in the model organism S. cerevisiae. Her current research involves predicting melanoma patient outcomes through the integration and analysis of molecular, cellular and clinical data, using AI methodologies.
Professor Ola Engkvist is head of Molecular AI in Discovery Sciences, AstraZeneca R&D. He did his PhD in computational chemistry at Lund University followed by a postdoc at Cambridge University.  After working for two biotech companies he joined AstraZeneca in 2004. He currently lead the Molecular AI department, where the focus is to develop novel methods for ML/AI in drug design , productionalize the methods and apply the methods to AstraZeneca’s small molecules drug discovery portfolio. His main research interests are deep learning based molecular de novo design, synthetic route prediction and large scale molecular property predictions. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications. He is adjunct professor in machine learning and AI for drug design at Chalmers University of Technology and a trustee of Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center.