The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Promoting excellence in the Pharmaceutical Sciences sector.
Industrial Insights 2023
17th April 2023 – AstraZeneca, Macclesfield
‘This year we had the pleasure to host the Industrial Insights event at Astrazeneca in Macclesfield. After 3 years of virtual events, students from different courses could finally visit our labs and meet face-to-face with different professionals from the pharmaceutical industry.
It was great seeing so many young scientists interested in the industry and so engaged during the event! This was a great opportunity for new scientists to expand their network and have a better insight into how a career in the pharmaceutical industry looks like.’
Beatriz Pereira, New Scientists and Students Focus Group.
Industrial Insights was held at AstraZeneca on Monday 17th April 2023. This was the first return to a face-to-face
event post COVID and attracted 47 delegates from a range of Universities. There was a relatively even split between undergraduate and postgraduate students. Those attending had studied a range of topics
including pharmaceutical science, pharmacy, biomedical science and chemistry.
The event included a series of talks as well as tours of the facilities at AZ. Most speakers spoke about their route to their current role as well as what a typical day looked like for them.
There were many common messages from those presenting including:
• Give it a go! If you are offered a role or an opportunity go for it and use it as an opportunity to explore jobs and improve your skill set
• Think outside the box! Try to differentiate yourself and your CV by using your experiences to focus on your skills and how these may be relevant for a future role
• Get involved in networks! Many opportunities arise based on personal relationships and it is important to link to other people in your future career group.
’As the chair of the APS I was invited to present and shared my own career path and the many twists and turns that this has taken! It was great for me to meet the next generation of pharmaceutical scientists who are already on their way to a successful career.’
Hannah Batchelor, APS Chair